Exam AWS SysOps Administrator Associate
I need to pass exam AWS SysOps Administrator Associate after related course. When I started looking for some materials, which can I use to learn more. I found a lot of useful information which I would like to share with you.
Explore your challenge
Let’s take a look into link below. It’s overview of exam with major information:
It’s official Amazon website. Information are most up to date.
I have a lot of question, because AWS certification is new for me. I passed Microsoft exams but never from Amazon. A lot information you can find in FAQ Amazon section. Available here:
I’m surprised that there is no required quantity of points which you have to earn to pass. Additionally you never know what is the limit for you. Strange, but it’s another small challenge here. Certification is valid for 2 years. After that you should pass exam once again.
I think that there is always no better way to pass exam as learning based on practice. Fortunately there are possibilities to do this. First of all you can use free tier directly from AWS:
Another place when you can touch directly the Console are:
- qwikLabs (only some labs are free): https://qwiklabs.com/
- Linux Academy (price is 9$): https://linuxacademy.com/amazon-web-services/labs
Online courses
It’s most popular kind of learning and there are few places when you can do this on good level:
- Udemy (price is 30$): https://www.udemy.com/aws-certified-sysops-administrator-associate/
- Cloud Academy (also labs, 7 days free trial): https://cloudacademy.com/amazon-web-services/aws-sysops-administrator-course/
- Cloud Guru (price is 29$): https://acloud.guru/learn/aws-certified-sysops-administrator-associate
- Linux Academy (price is 9$): https://linuxacademy.com/amazon-web-services/courses
- CBT Nuggets (7 days free trial) https://www.cbtnuggets.com/it-training/amazon-aws-certified-sysops-administrator-associate
When you completed study most of those materials then I recommend to check your skill by review official AWS sample questions:
I hope that all of those information are usable to pass AWS SysOps Administrator exam. If you’re already preparing for that: Goodluck :)
Update 2.08.2016
I finally passed AWS SysOps Administrator exam and get certificate. There was 55 questions and 80 minutes for that. It wasn’t the easiest exam in my life but also not hard. I had really good official training in Action Centrum Edukacyjne and using materials mentioned above I haven’t any problem to pass.
Final score is shown on end exam screen. Additionally you will receive email with information about your result.
So, Goodluck once again :)