Can you remember upgrade action to Windows 10 for free?. (You can read more here) Upgrade to Windows 10 is still possible and free in 2020. How to do that? Please go through few points below.
- You can upgrade from following Windows OS versions:
- Windows 7
- Windows 8.1 (I’ve upgraded from Windows 8 directly but Microsoft recommend most updated OS version)
- Your Windows must be genuine and activated
Upgrade to Windows 10
Go to Microsoft Media Creation Tool page and download the Tool by clicking Download tool now.
Media Creation Tool -
Run the Tool and accept terms.
Windows Media Creation Tool License -
On next screen choose Upgrade this PC now option. You can also create installation media by choosing second option.
Upgrade or create installation media -
On next windows you will download Windows 10 installation files
Downloading Windows 10 -
Accept Windows 10 license
Windows 10 installation license -
Wait till latest updates will be downloaded
Downloading Windows 10 updates -
Your installation is ready to run
Windows 10 is ready to install -
You can choose what to keep from 3 options:
- Keep personal files and applications (settings also)
- Keep personal files only (apps and settings will gone)
- Remove all of above and do fresh installation
Choose what to keep
After that Windows 10 installation will begin
Windows 10 installation in progress -
Last point will be updates installation
Windows 10 updates installation -
On first boot just select your privacy settings
Windows 8 has been updated to Windows 10
Check if Windows 10 is activated
That’s it! You have upgraded your Windows OS to latest Windows 10.
Requirements for Windows 10 upgrade – LINK