Exam AWS SysOps Administrator Associate I need to pass exam AWS SysOps Administrator Associate after related course. When I started looking for some materials, which can I use to learn more. I found a lot of useful information which I would like to share with you. Explore your challenge Let’s …
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Adding the client computer into domain isn’t complicated procedure. To do this you need to go to the Control Panel, choose System, then click Change settings in Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings section. In new window named System properties choose Change and put there domain name. After that click …
Question Change multiple file names Windows How change names of set of files in Windows? Is third party application needed? Change multiple file names Windows is possible? Answer Select all of files which names should be changed (Ctrl + A for all files in folder) and press F2 key. Then …
Question Quick start Windows applications What is the quickest way to start application like notepad in Windows? How can I quick start Windows applications? Answer If Windows explorer has been started, then is possible to type application name in address bar and confirm by press enter. For example: type notepad …
Qusestion Slow Internet connection After I connected the computer to the other network using VPN, my internet connection began to run very slow. How fix slow internet connection issue VPN related? Normally when I’m using my Internet everything is fine. Answer It’s caused by using default gateway on remote network. …