Preparation to pass exam AWS Solution Architect Associate
Finally I passed AWS Solution Architect Associate exam. Second one related AWS Public Cloud after SysOps Associate. You can read my previous post described my preparation for that. I would like to share helpful info. See below preparation to pass exam AWS Solution Architect Associate.

Way of thinking
SysOps exam asked about services based on operation purpose. In Architect model there is a little bit different approach. You need to come into the architect role. What does it mean? Yours perspective of view must be wider. Starting point of understand AWS Public Cloud infrastructure must be before implementation of some solutions. You should understand services, know their possibilities and restrictions. In SysOps exam you have finished implementation. Now you decide what and how implement. After that you have a service which can’t work properly as you wish or situation when you have to rebuild solution because of user expectations. In one word: knowledge to pass architect exam should be deeper, wider and more experience is needed. But if architect one is harder to pass?
Difficulty level
There is no hard questions. There are only which you know the answers and other where not. This general thinking is current also here. If you pass SysOps exam and then worked with AWS environment, there you may expect that Architect exam will be easier than SysOps. Questions are really logical and not tricky (excluding few exceptions).
Knowledge and experience
It’s really hard to pass AWS Solution Architect Associate exam without any experience in AWS. I worked with that cloud half year and it was really enough to collect the reward. Where you can find the knowledge? In the same places that I mentioned in SysOps exam article. Range of questions are really the same for both exams. Experience? The more the better :)
Some links
It’s important to know which services you should know in high level. See documents to know it:
- exam BluePrint:
- exam sample questions:
Good luck at your try! :)